
This blog has been created to explore different Web 2.0 technologies. Come back often to see what new information I have uncovered!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Wikipedia is a Wiki that can be used by anyone to add and modify information on a wide-range of topics. Now is the day to forget the large encylopedias written in difficult to understand language and seek information written by your peers. Check out Wikipedia on your own! You may discover the "truth" behind the planets of our solar system or who really discovered North America. Although Wikipedia is edited constantly, be aware that newer posting have a greater likelihood of providing misinformation.

Wikipedia can be used in an education with students for research. This can also be used at the center of a digital citizenship lesson to teach students how to share information with others over the internet while evaluating the information found critically to find truth.

1 comment:

Kelly Jones said...

I heard some good gossip about the creators of Wikapedia...apparently, the creator got into a fight with his girlfriend and she was able to edit several choice words to include his name...this is only hearsay...but funny if true!